模考大赛第 1 季——英语学科题本 一、单项选择题(本题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.Research into the material culture of China is( )fairly recent branch of scholarship. A.a B.An C.The D./ 2.—This composition topic is too hard_________pupils in grade three. —It was even________when I was in that grade.( ) A.for harder B.for easier C.with harder D.to easier 3.People who live in the northern U.S. are more generous with tips than( )living in the South. A.those B.these C.that D.ones 4.This girl lost her parents when she was two years old, so she was( )by his grandparents. What a poor girl she is! A.carried up B.looked up C.brought up D.held up 5.—Sorry, I missed the bus so I'm late. —It doesn't matter. I( )here for only two minutes. A.had been B.have been C.was D.am 6.I saw the report( )there will be a rainstorm tomorrow, so we have to cancel our picnic plan. A.how B.what C.that D.where 7.This was not an easy decision. It is,( ),a decision that we feel is dictated by our duty. A.therefore B.otherwise C.although D.however 8.My brother has a__________look on his face when watches the___________movie.( ) A.frightening, frightening B.frightened, frightened C.frightened, frightening D.frightening, frightened 9.You( )her advice! Otherwise you wouldn't lose the offer! A.should have adopted B.could have adopted C.would have adopted D.have been adopted 10.The( )in Jim's character has hampered his progress. A.merit B.failure C.defect D.crime 二、完形填空(本题共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) Our teacher assigned “secret friends” for the coming week. Its purpose was to do(11)things for your “secret friends” without letting them know. She wrote each kid’s name on a piece of paper, threw them into a bucket and(12)from the bucket the name of the classmate who we were to be friend(13) the next five days. By the middle of the week, everyone in my class, including me, had turned this assignment into a(14)to see whose secret friend could give the best(15).On the last morning of our assignment, I(16)a package on my desk. Then I opened it and there(17)a can of perfumed powder ( 香 粉 ).The girls sitting near me(18)the “old lady gift”. To make matters worse, the powder had already been opened. 1 I tried to forget the(19)gift. But when the same girls gossiped about it again during the (20)in the bathroom, I quickly(21).“How stupid! My grandmother wouldn’t even want it,” I said angrily. After the girls left, I thought about what I had just said. It wasn’t normally like me to say (22)things like that. Hearing a creak ( 嗅吱声), I turned around to(23)Rochelle, a girl from my class. There were tears(24)down her face. “I’m your secret(25),” she whispered to me. “I’m sorry about the gift.” Then she ran out of the bathroom. I was sick to my stomach as my cruel(26) ran through my mind. It took me a few days(27) I finally found the courage to face up to Rochelle and(28). She told me that her family couldn’t afford a fancy present and her mother had(29)her only luxury so that Rochelle could have something to give to me. On that day, I learned to show respect for people like Rochelle—people who give from the(30). 11.( )。 A.active B.curious C.nice D.awful 12.( ) 。 A.drew B.touched C.gathered D.learned 13.( ) 。 A.honestly B.generously C.openly D.secretly 14.( ) 。 A.delight B.agreement C.shame D.competition 15.( ) 。 A.gift B.wish C.help D.promise 16.( ) 。 A.unfolded B.noticed C.accepted D.scanned 17.( ) 。 A.lay B.floated C.moved D.came 18.( ) 。 A.take care of B.laughed at C.yelled at D.stick out of 19.( ) 。 A.special B.expensive C.embarrassing D.awesome 20.( ) 。 A.month B.break C.class D.night 21.( ) 。 A.looked down B.stood up C.went away D.joined in 22.( ) 。 A.mean B.thoughtful C.wonderful D.vivid 23.( ) 。 2 A.greet B.see C.ignore D.wait 24.( ) 。 A.cutting B.pulling C.streaming D.washing 25.( ) 。 A.partner B.teacher C.friend D.desk mate 26.( ) 。 A.information B.idea C.explanation D.words 27.( ) 。 A.and B.but C.so D.for 28.

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